



  • Sakai F, Igarashi H. Prevalence of migraine in Japan: a nationwide survey. Cephalalgia 1997;17:15-22.(日本の片頭痛の疫学では常に引用される論文)

片頭痛であるが、頭痛よりも顔面痛や歯痛と感じられるものがあり、「顔面片頭痛(facial migraine)」または「下顔面片頭痛(lower-half facial migraine)」と通称されている。

  • Alonso AA, Nixdorf DR. Case series of four different headache types presenting as tooth pain. J Endod 2006;32:1110-1113.
  • Namazi MR. Presentation of migraine as odontalgia. Headache 2001;41:420-421.


  • Obermann M, Mueller D, Yoon MS, Pageler L, Diener H, Katsarava Z. Migraine with isolated facial pain: a diagnostic challenge. Cephalalgia 2007;27:1278-1282.

11名の下顔面片頭痛患者のうち45% が根管治療を受けていた

  • Penarrocha M, Bandres A, Penarrocha M, Bagan JV. Lower-half facial migraine: a report of 11 cases. Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 2004;62:1453-1456.




  • van Vliet JA, Eekers PJ, Haan J, Ferrari MD. Features involved in the diagnostic delay of cluster headache. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry 2003;74:1123-1125.

群発頭痛の42% が歯科を受診し、不適切な治療を受けている。

  • Bittar G, Graff-Radford SB. A retrospective study of patients with cluster headaches. Oral surgery, oral medicine, and oral pathology 1992;73:519-525.


  • Bahra A, Goadsby PJ. Diagnostic delays and mis-management in cluster headache. Acta neurologica Scandinavica 2004;109:175-179.



患者の15%は「歯痛」と感じ歯科を受診する(Antonaci )

  • Antonaci F, Sjaastad O. Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (CPH): a review of the clinical manifestations. Headache 1989;29:648-656.



*SUNCT :結膜充血および流涙を伴う短時間持続性片側神経痛様頭痛発作(Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform headache attacks with Conjunctival injection and Tearing)

*SUNA :頭部自律神経症状を伴う短時間持続性片側神経痛様頭痛発作(Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with cranial autonomic symptoms)

  • Benoliel R, Sharav Y. SUNCT syndrome: case report and literature review. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics 1998;85:158-161. 歯科領域での最初のレポート
  • Leone M, Mea E, Genco S, Bussone G. Coexistence of TACS and trigeminal neuralgia: pathophysiological conjectures. Headache 2006;46:1565-1570.


